UTCCS Annual Workshop 2025
Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025,
Place: HASEKO KUMA Hall, Engineering Bldg. 11, Hongo campus
13:00– | Registration opens |
13:30–13:40 | Greetings from the Director General (Prof. Taikan Oki) |
13:40–14:00 | Activity report (Prof. Masahiro Watanabe) |
14:00–15:00 | Keynote speech
15:00–17:30 | Poster Session
17:30–18:00 | Plenary Summary, Poster award ceremony |
18:30–20:30 | Reception |
場所:工学部11号館講堂(HASEKO KUMAホール)(東京大学本郷キャンパス構内)
13:00– | 開場 |
13:30–13:40 | 機構長 挨拶(沖先生) |
13:40–14:00 | 今年度の活動報告 (渡部先生) |
14:00–15:00 | 基調講演
15:00–17:30 | ポスターセッション
17:30–18:00 | 全体総括、優秀ポスターの表彰 |
18:30–20:30 | 懇談会 |
Family name, Given name (名前; 学年) | Affiliation | Poster title(ポスタータイトル) |
AOTA, Yutaro(青田 雄太郎; M2) | Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture | The importance of both physical and psychological connections with nature for human well-being and pro-conservation behaviours (身体か心か? 人と自然の異なる関係性が健康および保全行動に及ぼす影響) |
CAI, Sinan(蔡 思楠) | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems | EV as Demand-response in Power System |
CHEN, Mingjian(M2) | Graduate Program on Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Science | Effect of Environmental Regulations and Sociopolitical Stability on International Public Green Financing Flows: Evidence from Developing Countries |
CHEN, Yijia(D3) | Department of Environmental System, Graduate School of Frontier Science | Temperature-related mortality from cause-specific diseases in major Japanese cities: assessment of future climate change scenarios |
CORREIA, James(D2) | Graduate School of Public Policy | Global Ecosystem Governance: the Role of International Organisations and Instruments in Tackling Environmental Challenges |
GOTO, Akihiko(後藤 暁彦; D3) | Department of Aquatic Life Science, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Loss of cross-ecosystem migratory behavior due to climate change, as inferred from the latitudinal trend of river-ocean dependence in a migratory salmonid (気候変動によって森・川・海をつなぐ回遊性は失われるか?:通し回遊魚の河川・海洋依存性の緯度傾向からの予測) |
GYELTSHEN, Tshewang(ツェワン ゲルツェン; D1) | Department of Global Health Policy, Graduate School of Medicine | Impact of Cumulative Exposure to Extreme Heat on Health: Intergenerational inequities of health burden in Japan |
HARTWIG, Manuela | Institute for Future Initiatives | Scenarios in Japan’s Energy and Climate Policy: A Case for Greater Adaptability and ELSI Integration |
HASHIMOTO, Keiichi(橋本 恵一; D1) | Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science | Physical Effects of Terrestrial Vegetation Representation on Atmospheric Circulation in Earth System Models (地球システムモデルにおいて陸上植生表現が大気循環に与える物理的影響) |
HU, Yang | Institute of Industrial Science | Flood Business interruption loss estimation using nighttime light remote sensing data |
IKEUCHI, Hiroki(池内 光希; D2) | Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Graduate School of Engineering | AI-Based Weather Forecast Using High-Resolution Regional Atmospheric Reanalysis Data RRJ-ClimCORE (高解像度日本域大気再解析データRRJ-ClimCOREを用いたAI気象予測) |
LI, Shuping(李 庶平) | Institute of Industrial Science | Resolving Hillslope Heterogeneities in Land Surface Model (陸面モデルにおける丘陵斜面の不均一性の表現) |
LI, Yifan(李 一帆; D3) | Graduate School of Frontier Sciences | Study of δ18Osw variability by the atmosphere-ocean interaction and ENSO using the isotope-enabled fully coupled model MIROC6-iso (同位体結合モデルMIROC6-isoを用いた大気海洋相互作用とENSOによるδ18Osw変動の研究) |
LIANG, Qiao(D3) | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences | How Environmental Regulation Influences the Relation Between FDI and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Empirical Evidence From Emerging and Developed Economies |
LIN, Zhen(林 珍) | Department of Living Marine Resources | Fish weight reduction in response to intra- and interspecies competition under climate change |
MATSUDA, Michiki et al.(松田 道樹 et al.; M1) | Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering | Urban Harmony in Toyosu: Shaping and Activating Sustainable Spaces for Future Generations (Urban Design Studio 2024) (調和ある都市・豊洲:将来世代のための持続可能な空間の形成と活性化(都市工学専攻 大学院演習 2024)) |
MORI, Kaho(森 香穂; D1) | Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences | Temporal Changes in Community Structure and Function of Marine Microorganisms in the Kuroshio Extension Region: Insights from the BANZAI72 Project (黒潮続流域における海洋微生物群集構造の継時変化と機能(BANZAI72プロジェクトより)) |
NOER SYAFIIAH, Tiarma(ノエル シァフィーヤ ティアルマ; M2) | Department of Global Health Policy, Graduate School of Medicine | Association between hot nights and daily emergency ambulance dispatches in 47 prefectures of Japan: A time series study (熱帯夜と救急搬送数との関連性: 47都道府県における時系列研究) |
NUTIPRAPUN, Prapawadee | Department of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences | Effects of El Niño drought on seedling dynamics in a seasonally dry tropical forest in northern Thailand |
PATKI, Mahi(パトキ マヒ; M2) | Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences | Environmental Sustainability Transformation of Universities: A Case-study Approach to Uncover its Catalysis through Student-led Initiatives. |
SAITO, Dai(齋藤 大) | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Science, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology | Tree Diversity Manipulation Experiment – Toward Sustainable Forest Management (樹木多様性操作実験~持続可能な森林管理を目指して~) |
SANO, Taichi(佐野 太一) | Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering | Integration of climate variables into population projections to improve climate change risk assessments (気候変動リスク評価の改善に向けた将来人口分布予測への気候変数の統合) |
TAJIMA, Kaho(多嶋 花帆; D2) | Graduate School of Frontier Sciences | Factors Influencing Waterborne Diseases After Urban Floods: A Case Study of the 2020 West Jakarta Flood (都市洪水後の水系感染症罹患における要因について―2020年洪水、西ジャカルタを事例に―) |
WATANABE, Natsuki(渡邉 菜月; M2) | Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science | Hysteresis in permafrost response to increase and decrease of CO2 emissions (二酸化炭素排出量の増減に対する永久凍土の応答) |
WATANABE, Mai(渡辺 舞; M1) | Department of International Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences | Climate Change Vulnerability from the Perspective of Rural Residents and Challenges of Adaptation ―Case Study of the Mekong River Basin and Tonle Sap Lake Region in Cambodia― (途上国農村部の住民視点で捉える気候変動脆弱性と適応への課題 ―Case Study of the Mekong River Basin and Tonle Sap Lake Region in Cambodia―) |
XU, Taizhe(許 泰哲; D2) | Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences | The Unintended Consequences of China’s Carbon Trading on Renewable Electricity Transition |
YAMADA, Anri(山田 杏璃; M2) | Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences | Study on characteristics of CO2 emission sources in the Kanto region using intensive observation data from GOSAT-2 (GOSAT-2による集中観測データを用いた関東域からのCO2排出源特性に関する研究) |
YANG, Zhesi(ヤン テツシ; D3) | Department of Global Health Policy, Graduate School of Medicine | Joint effects of ozone and temperature on OHCA: A two-stage nationwide analysis in Japan |
YE, Ziyu(叶 子禹; D1) | Department of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Science | A study on impacts of interbasin coupling strength on climate modes in the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans using linear inverse models |