教養の留学生/帰国子女向けに地球惑星科学の教員5名のオムニバスで分担する地球科学の入門講義。The aim of this course is to provide a perspective on how the Earth works. The starting point is understanding a variety of dynamic phenomena active on/in the Earth based on fundamental physics and chemistry. What we would like to emphasize throughout the course is the view that the Earth is a kind of organism composed of many working elements. Earth science can provide a unique standpoint on how the Earth works as a system.
担当教員(UTCCS教員):Tomoki Tozuka, Kentaroh Suzukiほか
学期:Aセメ 時限: 火曜3限 対象:教養
専攻名:PEAK 使用言語:英語